Historic Roseberry Townsite

The Heritage Site
The Heritage Site depicts a late 19th/early 20th century Finnish homestead: a modest, well-built home of hand-hewn logs with dove-tail joins, various sheds and out-buildings and the hub of Finnish hygiene and social life, the sauna.

The Valley County Museum (1910)
Originally the schoolhouse in McCall, later city offices, police office, jail and library, moved to Roseberry in 1978.

Methodist - Episcopal Church (1904)
Originated in Roseberry, moved to Donnelly, moved back to Roseberry in 1973.

Roseberry General Store (1905)
Acquired by the Long Valley Preservation Society in 2015.

Whitney-Fairbrother School (1914)
Originally located south of McCall, moved to Roseberry in 1984. With help from local sponsor The Star News and fourth grade classes from McCall and Donnelly, the schoolhouse restoration is now nearly complete. Several field trips are hosted here each year, and the building is available by appointment for viewing or other uses.

The Barn at Roseberry (1912)
Originally built south of McCall, donated by Ellen Sackerman and moved to Roseberry in 2008. The Barn, with attached stage, is now fully restored and used both as a performing art center and a venue for weddings and other private and public gatherings.

Band Stand/ Well House (1905)
Replicated in 2000, the original stood at the center of town.
Nell Tobias Research Center (1936)
Originally built in Lakefork, north of Donnelly, as a store, gas station and diner, was moved onsite in 1993.
Mahala Blacksmith Shop (1904)
Relocated from the original homestead north of Donnelly onto the town site in 2005.
Korvola Cabin (1898)
Relocated from the original homestead north
of Donnelly onto the town site in 2005.
Larkin House (1905)
Originally built outside Roseberry, moved to Donnelly and then back again to Roseberry by the family.
Dee's Barn (1936)
Newer construction but built with traditional frame and sawn lumber construction.
Teacherage (1915)
Moved from south of Roseberry in 2006.
Storage Shed (1905)
Built and still located behind the General Store.
Johnson Machinery Shop (1920's)
Moved to Roseberry in 2005.
Equipment Shed (1999)
Built to house oversized equipment.
Barringer House (1905)
Privately owned, it was moved to the complex from it's original site down the road, a prime "four square" house example common to Long Valley.
Arling House (1905)
Built South of Donnelly and moved to
the complex in 1995, also privately owned.
Johnson Cabin (1902)
Built South of McCall, it raised a family of 13, and then moved to the museum complex in 2005.
Carriage House (1910)
Still in it's original location, it was restored in 2007 and houses a woodshop with large collection of old tools.
Finn/Jarvie House (1930's)
This building is believed to be the last log house in built by a Finnish immigrant.
Museum Storage (1980's)
Donated to the museum by the local school district, it stores artifacts for protection prior to exhibition.
Public Restrooms/ Parking lot:
Both the Public Restrooms & the Paved Parking area were built with a grant from the Idaho State Parks & Recreation.
Additional buildings have been identified for future procurement and restoration at the Roseberry museum complex. The process is involved and often takes many years to accomplish.